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Sportsman 571

List Price (NZD)



Length 5.65
Beam 2.20
Freeboard 700 mm
Approximate hull weight 1050 kgs
Transom Height 25"
HP Required 90 - 115


Side & top thickness - marine grade 3mm Standard
Marine grade 5mm chines (bottom) Standard
Welded 4mm tread plate floor giving underfloor buoyancy Standard
130L Under floor fuel tank with sender Optional
Fuel tanks (portable) 2 x 45L
Auxiliary outboard bracket (if needed) Optional
Full length keel protection strip to protect bottom Optional
Bow keel wear strip to protect lower bow Standard
Bow sprit with rope guides and rails Standard
Foam buoyancy gunnels (571S) Optional
Cabin hatch Standard
Cabin shelves Standard
Lined cabin giving a pleasant tactile finish Optional
Lined dash and half deck to give a pleasant tactile finish Optional
Two large black hatches over transom storage Optional
Welded alloy rod holders 4
Alloy rod holder x 1 Optional
Alloy rod holder x 2 Optional
Alloy rod holder x 3 Optional
Alloy rod holder x 4 Optional
Alloy rod holder x 5 Optional
Alloy rod holder x 6 Optional
Alloy rod holder x 7 Optional
Alloy rod holder x 8 Optional
Alloy rod holder x9 Optional
Alloy rod holder x 10 Optional
Rocket launcher 6 rod Optional
Cable steering Standard
Wrap around Perspex screen Standard
Cabin windows (pair) Optional
Lower oar / storage racks Optional
Fishing rod / storage alongside of cockpit Standard
Glove box with two cup holders Standard
Swivel seats on pedestals including upholstery & Queen seat extensions Standard
Two marine lined ply squabs with storage underneath in cabin Standard
Padded back rest in cabin (pair) Optional
Padded squabs in cabin (pair) Optional
Bait board Optional
Bait board, drawer combo Optional
Live bait tank Optional
Live bait tank pump Optional
Perspex window in live bait tank Optional
Walk through transom Optional
Large transom locker Standard
Sportsman transom & pod Standard
Two platforms, handrails and ladder Standard
Self draining anchor locker with lid Standard
Water pick up pipe & tap Optional
Full bow rail Optional
Dash handrail Standard
Helm and passenger footsteps Standard
Front alloy bollard & 2 rear alloy cleats Standard
Ski pole stainless steel removable Optional
Ultralon flooring on platforms & gunnels Optional
Ultralon flooring - deck floor only Optional
Ultralon flooring - full kit including platforms and gunnels Optional


Wiring harness to run standard electrics & accessories Standard
Fusion radio with two speakers & aerial Optional
VHF & aerial Standard
Lowrance Hook 2-7" GPS / Sounder Standard
Lowrance Elite 7TI GPS / sounder (upgrade) Upgrade
Battery, battery box and on/off switch Standard
Bilge pump 1100 GPH Standard
2000 GPH bilge pump Upgrade
Cabin lights Optional
Cabin lights x 2 Optional
Deck light Optional
Deck light x 2 Optional
Navigation Lights Standard
Anchor Light Standard


Nyalic inside and out Standard
Paint cabin top (not including rails) with Nyalic balance (571) Optional
Paint cabin top metallic (not including hand rails) with Nyalic balance (571) Optional
Paint sides (571) Optional
Paint sides metallic (571) Optional


Less motor (571) Optional
Mercury 90HP EXLPT 4 stroke Standard
Mercury 115Hp 4 stroke (upgrade) 571 Optional
Mercury 115Hp 4 stroke Command Thrust (upgrade) 571 Upgrade
Motor fitted and tank tested Standard


Single axle Standard
Hydraulic disk brakes (1 axle - 1500kg) Optional
Spare wheel mounted 13" Optional
Spare wheel mounted 13" (mag upgrade) Optional
Stainless steel brake (upgrade) Optional
Trailer mate Optional
Guide poles - medium Optional
Mag wheel 13" x 2 (upgrade) Optional
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